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Interview: What Should Fashion Accomplish in the End? Designer Keita Maruyama Discusses the Potential of Digital Fashion

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For the third installment of our 'Digital Fashion Era' series, we interviewed Keita Maruyama, one of Japan's leading designers, about his experiences in the digital fashion realm thus far.
Maruyama has been creating various digital fashion pieces under his brand 'KEITAMARUYAMA'. For instance, in 2018, he designed idol costumes for multimedia franchise 'Uta no☆ Prince-sama♪', and in 2020, he collaborated with the dress-up app 'PokeColo', which we previously featured on our platform. Additionally, he organized the first digital show at Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO. In 2023, he caught attention when he created virtual yukata costumes with BAL Inc..
Having spent years working in the fashion industry, what drives Maruyama to delve into digital fashion? We'll explore his perspectives on reality versus digital, share his experiences creating digital fashion, and look at what the future holds.

Why 'KEITAMARUYAMA' Entered the Digital Fashion Space

You've been creating various digital fashions through 'KEITAMARUYAMA'. Can you share what lead you to become involved in digital fashion?
To be honest, I did not particularly feel that I "really wanted to do digital fashion" or think "I should get involved because it's the digital age."
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