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A New Communication Style Connected by "HelloRing"

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In the business scene, exchanging business cards is common, but what is the best way to introduce yourself in a more casual setting?
That's when you will want to use the HelloRing. It's a ring that lets you exchange profile information like Instagram or any URL just by hovering your smartphone. It requires no charging, is waterproof, and can be used semi-permanently. Moreover, it can be resized by just dipping it in hot water for 10 seconds.
If you want to leave a memorable impression, this product is highly recommended. We talked to the developer, SAKI.


A Ring Born from the Idea of Solo Travel

Until the summer of 2003, SAKI was an office worker. She decided to start a business using NFC technology products and resigned from her job. But despite that, she couldn't come up with a good idea, so she decided to travel solo in Hokkaido, seeking new encounters with people. It was during this journey that the idea of HelloRing was born.
"I visited several guesthouses, and whenever I exchanged contact information with not only Japanese but also foreigners, it was frequently done through Instagram.
"I thought it would be interesting if the Instagram exchange could be done with a ring, so I took the NFC I already had to an accessory shop during my trip and made an impromptu ring. When I took it to the guesthouse for introductions, someone said, 'I want one too!'
"I thought maybe this was something people wanted, so when I got back to Tokyo, I started looking for a factory, refined the design, created a prototype, and launched a crowdfunding campaign."
At the time of development, digital business cards were gradually becoming more well-known, but SAKI targeted people who wanted to introduce themselves in a more casual manner without having to pull out a business card. The first online sale began from November 27 to December 31, 2023, through a crowdfunding campaign. The response was great, and they achieved their goal of 2 million yen by the 24th day.

Wearing Information as an Accessory

The key feature of HelloRing is that you can easily share profile information like Instagram through HelloRing, but more than that, SAKI talks about "experiencing a new lifestyle where information is worn as an accessory."
"HelloRing uses NFC technology, allowing information to be easily shared just by wearing it as an accessory. In the currently available HelloRing, you can efficiently share social media and product websites, enabling quick information exchange at events or business scenes.
"Furthermore, with a stylish design, you can showcase uniqueness during introductions. HelloRing is a new communication tool that combines fashion and functionality."
The feature of being able to adjust the ring size with hot water is also significant.
"We aimed to create a product that can be loved by anyone, regardless of gender, especially for those who don't usually wear rings and might struggle with choosing sizes. Through discussion with the factory, we opted for a polyester resin that can change size when immersed in hot water, allowing customers to adjust the size at home."
However, there were many struggles at first. There were cases where the resin broke because it wasn't sufficiently heated during size adjustment, due to insufficient explanations after sales.
"We deeply reflected on this and immediately improved the explanation content. Initially, our greatest concern was whether the NFC and smartphone reaction positions wouldn't align properly, leading to failed URL writing attempts from the app. But we received positive feedback regarding the app and NFC reactions, which was a relief."
Currently, the HelloRing lineup includes only the Standard type. The popular colors are Black and Jewel Beetle (iridescent color).
"Jewel Beetle came about when we were looking for attention-grabbing pigments during the crowdfunding campaign and discovered iridescent paint. Black was a later addition but is a versatile color that suits various outfits and occasions, making it popular amongst both men and women."
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