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The Floral Motif in Fashion: The Story Behind Yves Saint Laurent's Designs

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From September 20, 2024, to May 4, 2025, the Yves Saint Laurent Museum in Paris, France, will host "Les Fleurs d'Yves Saint Laurent."
For Yves Saint Laurent, flowers were an indispensable source of inspiration. Together with his partner Pierre Bergé, he spent his days surrounded by flowers and gardens, drawing infinite inspiration from them.
This yearning for nature has been influenced by many artists and writers, including the novelist Marcel Proust, whom Saint Laurent admired.
Proust's worldview influenced designers' interiors and runway shows. Just as the writer compared women to flowers, Saint Laurent expressed his respect for women by adorning them with flowers.
The over 30 costumes and design sketches showcased in this exhibition vividly illustrate the interconnected relationship between nature, literature, and Saint Laurent's creations. Fashion Tech News had the opportunity to visit the museum during the exhibition period. Here’s a glimpse of what was on display, accompanied by photographs.
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