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We Created a Concept Movie for Fashion Tech News!

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Since its launch in 2018, Fashion Tech News has been continuously pushing the boundaries in the fashion tech realm as the owned media of ZOZO NEXT, incessantly disseminating the tides of fashion and technology.
Not only do we communicate the 'current' state of fashion and technology, but we also strive to build an interactive community that learns from the 'past', fosters cultural soil, and contemplates the 'future' of clothing, fashion, and our physical environment. We have been delivering unique content with this aim in mind.
This time, as Fashion Tech News, we have produced our first concept movie. We are delighted if our aspirations for our future activities can be conveyed through this video.
Curiosity propels people and transforms the world.
Our mission is "to explore the trends and history of the industry and cutting-edge technologies to create the future of fashion and technology and broadcast it to the world."
To realize this mission, we will continue to strive every day.
The choice is yours.
How you utilize this knowledge and information is up to you.
Please take a moment to watch our concept movie.

3/22 Fashion Tech News Editorial Department
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