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The Reason Why Icebreaker's Merino Wool Has Been Loved for Years

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icebreaker, an outdoor wear brand known for its high-quality Merino wool products from New Zealand. As a rare company that focuses on natural materials in the outdoor industry, where performance under harsh conditions is crucial, their unique initiatives always draw attention.
In the fall of 2022, they launched new innerwear made from the brand's finest and softest material to date, the 15.5μm (micrometer) "Superfine Merino 300 Weight." This move reaffirmed that tech-wear is not limited to synthetic fibers.
This time, we spoke with Daigo Yukimura, the manager of the icebreaker business department at Goldwin Inc., to delve into the brand and learn more about the allure of Merino wool.

Icebreaker from the Outdoor Nation

New Zealand, like Japan, is surrounded by sea and boasts vast, varied landscapes. Known as a treasure trove of nature, this country has produced many globally beloved outdoor brands that captivate outdoor enthusiasts worldwide.
One such New Zealand brand is "icebreaker." With Goldwin as its distributor in Japan, we can find their products across the country. But what kind of background does icebreaker have? We first asked Yukimura about the brand's origins.
"icebreaker was founded in 1995. As a globally expanding outdoor brand, it is relatively new.
"Our flagship business, 'The North Face,' has nearly twice the history, being born during the backpacking boom of the 1960s. From the 1980s to the 1990s, as the outdoor market grew, so did the demand for high-performance fibers.
"In contrast, icebreaker was born in an era when the latest technological developments were the norm in the outdoor industry, focusing on natural materials. This contrast is fascinating.
"The founder, Jeremy Moon, discovered the charm of Merino wool by chance at a Merino station (a Merino wool farm). He felt the potential in this natural material, which provides comfort for both daily life and outdoor activities, and started the outdoor wear business."
Today, many people wear Merino wool innerwear, but back then, quick-drying synthetic materials were considered the best choice for mountaineering. Despite this, starting with Merino wool innerwear and becoming a globally recognized brand can't just be attributed to foresight.

Natural Technology Found in Merino Wool

"Merino wool" is wool harvested from Merino sheep, characterized by its finer and lighter fibers compared to regular, thick wool. This allows for the creation of fine yarns, resulting in supple fabric that doesn't itch even when worn directly on the skin.
"The performance of Merino wool is attractive not only for outdoor activities but also for everyday wear. Its low thermal conductivity and high moisture-wicking properties make it less likely to cause chills from sweat, keeping you dry even in Japan's hot and humid summers. Additionally, its heat-absorbing properties maintain comfort, providing insulation in cold winters.
"Moreover, its antibacterial properties prevent sweat odors, and it remains comfortable for long wear, making it a significant advantage for outdoor wear by reducing the need for excessive luggage."
Wool is composed of various different cells, essentially a form of natural nanotechnology. Knowing that this structure, which synthetic fibers cannot replicate, was a gift from nature, makes it all the more remarkable.
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