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Laundry Prince Yuichi Nakamura Explains the "3 Essential Points of Laundry"

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Tackling persistent issues such as yellowing and odors in clothes can be quite troublesome.
According to Yuichi Nakamura, famously known as the "Laundry Prince" across various media platforms, "There aren't people who learn laundry from specialists, like you would in a cooking class. As a result, people are washing clothes incorrectly and not effectively removing stains."
What are the basics of laundry? Is the key element the detergent or the washing machine? There are many points of interest. We asked Nakamura to share his secrets of laundry along with his activities.
Yuichi Nakamura
Yuichi Nakamura

Laundry Expert, Nationally Certified Cleaner

Born March 1, 1984. Third generation owner of the cleaning company "HOUSENSYA" in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture. With the belief "Changing the world through laundry," he pioneered the field of "laundry advice" in 2006. Proposing better living through the lens of laundry, he works on innovating "clothing culture" from the aspect of laundry within the areas of "clothing, food, and housing." Known as the "Laundry Prince," he frequently appears on media such as NHK television and writes serial columns for Nihon Keizai Shimbun, offering laundry advice. His lecture series "Learning Laundry from Scratch," operated jointly with cleaners nationwide, is also well received.

The Birth of the Laundry Prince

What led you to pursue a career in laundry?
My family ran a cleaning business, so I was familiar with laundry from an early age. Not having any other job aspirations, I decided to take over the family business. My father had ongoing back issues and worked with a cane, so I thought I could help him by taking over.
You were dubbed the Laundry Prince following a TV appearance, correct?
At the time, individuals known as the "Handkerchief Prince" and the "Shy Prince" were gaining attention in society, and the nickname was given as part of that trend. Initially, I was taken aback, but I've since come to appreciate it as a sort of endearing nickname (laughs).
How did you come to be invited onto TV programs?
At the time, the family business's economic state wasn't favorable, and I was looking for promotional opportunities. While exploring ways to differentiate ourselves, I noticed that despite there being experts in areas like cooking and storage, there were no specialists for laundry.
So I started calling myself a laundry advisor and began to share insights publicly. Surprisingly, I found many people were struggling with laundry issues. As my focus shifted from advertising the business to responding to people's concerns, I received more invitations from media outlets.

Proposing a Proper Clothing Lifestyle through Laundry

You advocate for the philosophy of 'Changing the World through Laundry,' correct?
Laundry encompasses various elements. How clothes are washed, which detergent to use, the amount of water, the operation of the washing machine. From there, considering drying, storage, and the next wear, reviewing laundry practices connects to all aspects related to clothing.
In discussions on sustainability within the fashion industry, issues like mass disposal and recycling methods are often highlighted. However, the most sustainable approach should naturally be to use what has been produced for as long as possible. Keeping clothes in good condition for extended periods reduces environmental impact, and transforming laundry practices can lead to revolutionary change in many aspects within the industry. This is what motivates my ongoing efforts.
As part of your activities, what is the purpose of starting "SentakuStudio"?
This is like a kitchen studio in a cooking class. We started it in 2014 as a classroom to teach laundry. We've been teaching various laundry techniques, from choosing detergents to ironing.
It is now closed and has transformed into "Sentaku Atelier," but we still conduct laundry classes online and across the country with our dry cleaner friends.
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