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The New Standard in Adidas Running: How Has the 'ADIZERO SL 2' Evolved?

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Developed for runners aiming for their best time, even by a second, the Adidas Adizero series has been evolving since its debut in 2005 by utilizing Adidas’ technology and listening to athletes' voices.
Tigist Assefa, wearing the innovative and lightweight racing shoe "ADIZERO ADIOS PRO EVO 1," broke the women's marathon world record by over 2 minutes, finishing in 2 hours, 11 minutes, and 53 seconds at last year's Berlin Marathon.
The "ADIZERO SL," loved as a training shoe for elite runners, underwent a complete model change at the end of 2022, evolving into a basic model that can be used by a wide range of runners to suit their needs. Now, a year and a half later, what kind of shoe is the updated "Adizero SL 2"?
The Adizero SL 2, equipped with features suitable for daily jogging. 14,300 yen (tax included)
The Adizero SL 2, equipped with features suitable for daily jogging. 14,300 yen (tax included)

Lightstrike Pro Full-Length Midsole

"The midsole, which functions as the engine of the shoe, is equipped with Lightstrike Pro, used in the Adizero Adios Pro Evo 1. While the previous model only had it in the forefoot, the Adizero SL 2 now includes it full-length.
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