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New Road Model with a New Concept From HOKA: What Kind of Shoes Are the "SKYFLOW"?

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Three pillars support a runner's feet with the HOKA shoes: a lightweight midsole with excellent shock absorption, an active foot frame midsole for a stable fit that wraps around the entire foot, and a unique meta-rocker structure that promotes smooth weight transfer.
Runners should be familiar with the popularity of road running shoes like "BONDI," "CLIFTON," and "MACH."
Now, HOKA has released the new model "SKYFLOW," which sets itself apart from the existing popular series. What kind of shoes are the "SKYFLOW," and what technology is being used?

Model Inspired by "SKYWARD X"

"The SKYFLOW was developed inspired by the SKYWARD X released in April this year," says HOKA's Assistant Manager of Field Experience Rep, Masanao Ando.
The "SKYWARD X" is a model equipped with a carbon plate that pursues the ultimate smooth fit. Below the midsole is supercritical foam based on supercritically foamed EVA, and above it is elastic PEBA foam, achieving a dynamic and comfortable ride.
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