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Stay Warm without Layering with UNDER ARMOUR's Winter Gear: 'ColdGear'

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When you bundle up for a trip to the station to avoid the cold, the heated train can make it feel too hot. Sweating under layers of clothes and then suddenly cooling off when you leave the train can lead to the dreaded 'chill'—a common occurrence in winter that can even affect your health.
While it's become common sense to wear functional sweat-wicking clothing in the hot season, should winter undergarments be exclusively moisture-wicking too? At UNDER ARMOUR, the pioneer in functional wear, they've been selling and improving the winter base layer 'ColdGear' since the early 2000s. We visited the Dome Corporation, spoke to Ryoji Ogane from the product planning department about 'winter functional wear'.

Adding Comfort to the Winter Base Layer with 'Quick-drying' and 'Thermal Insulation'

UA ColdGear Armored Fitted Twist Long Sleeve Mock Shirt 8,800 yen (tax incl.) Available in the colors shown Black/TeamRoyal, Black/Pitchgray, ModGray/ModGray, TeamRoyal/TeamRoyal, LimeYellow/LimeYellow, and six sizes from SM to 3XL
UA ColdGear Armored Fitted Twist Long Sleeve Mock Shirt 8,800 yen (tax incl.) Available in the colors shown Black/TeamRoyal, Black/Pitchgray, ModGray/ModGray, TeamRoyal/TeamRoyal, LimeYellow/LimeYellow, and six sizes from SM to 3XL
Even if the sweat-wicking feature on a base layer that directly touches your skin is effective, if you layer too many clothes, the middle layer will retain moisture and could cause a 'chill'. But, just wearing a summer base layer and winter gear on top often doesn't provide enough warmth.
"In our case, we recommend 'HeatGear' with sweat-wicking functionality for summer, as well as 'Iso-chill' with a continuous cooling feature. For winter, we suggest not only 'ColdGear' with sweat-wicking and warming features but also its evolution, 'INFRARED'.
"'ColdGear' has a highly elastic lining that ensures warmth, takes the moisture and steam from the skin to the outside layer, and dries it quickly. The inside is kept dry and warm, so you can be comfortable without having to layer too much. Therefore, you almost never have to worry about getting chilled from sweat."
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