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Lightweight Workman's SOLOTEX-Using "Bazz Light Stretch Jumper" Is the Pinnacle of Workwear

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Fashion values vary greatly from person to person. The answers to the question, "What kind of fashion do you think is stylish?" will differ significantly among individuals. However, the responses to the question, "When do you feel comfortable in your clothing?" might be somewhat limited.
When it’s hot, you want cool clothes, and when it’s cold, you seek warm attire. Moreover, one of the elements that contribute to comfort across seasons is "lightness."
In pursuit of comfort, Workman has produced a variety of products, among which the "Bazz Light Stretch" series strongly emphasizes "lightness." This time, we delve into the behind-the-scenes stories of the "Bazz Light Stretch" series with Shinnosuke Kawata, Chief Buyer of Product Development Division 1 at Workman, being interviewed by Koji Yamada, the official ambassador of Workman.

The Innovative "Air Light Stretch" Series

Koji Yamada (hereinafter referred to as Yamada)When did the "Bazz Light Stretch" series start to be developed?
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