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Pioneer of All-Purpose Wax: The Reason Why LA-based Brand "product" Has Been Loved for over 10 Years

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Since its launch in Japan in 2011, the "product" hair wax has recorded cumulative sales of 5.5 million units, becoming a long-selling product, mostly through word of mouth.
Why has it been loved for so long? I spoke with Masaki Abe, the President of KOKOBUY Co., Ltd.
Masaki Abe

President of KOKOBUY Co., Ltd.

The Spread of Word-of-mouth Popularity

Can you tell us about the background of the brand's inception?
The blue wax, synonymous with Product, was developed by two hairstylists in California in 2007.
Many stylists handle shampoos and hair dyes daily, leading to issues with skin irritation and allergies. So, the desire to create something gentle on both the customer's hair and scalp and kinder to the stylist themselves gave birth to the organic wax.
Initially, it was sold within a very small community mainly among salon clients, but the founder, who was a hairstylist friend, believed it could gain support in Japan, leading to its launch in 2011.
"Product Hair Wax," 2,178 yen (tax included)
"Product Hair Wax," 2,178 yen (tax included)
Until recently, there hasn’t been any advertising or promotions. How did it become widely recognized?
Indeed, we have not engaged in any proactive promotional activities. I believe there are several reasons for its spread.
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