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Glutathione Serum Is Making Waves: PURCELL's Product Development Stands Out with Unique Technology & Clinical Trials

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In recent years, the global popularity of Korean skincare is remarkable. PURCELL, which has gained attention centered around glutathione serum, rapidly garnered support from many people after its arrival in Japan in February last year.
This time, we focus on PURCELL's "L-GLUTATHIONE FLEXIBLE LIPOSOME." Listening to the reasons for spotlighting glutathione, which is a trending ingredient, and the development process reveals a unique brand charm that goes beyond merely responding to trends and customer needs.

PURCELL's Product Development Focused on Function, Purity, and Concentration

PURCELL develops products through repeated original ingredient development based on meticulous research and effect verification through clinical trials. What specific research and experiments are being conducted?
PURCELL establishes three standards: high purity, high functionality, and verification, proposing a High-Dose Treatment that solves skin issues through advanced science.
The selected ingredients, which meet PURCELL's strict standards, first undergo In-vitro testing (all experiments conducted in artificial environments such as test tubes, petri dishes, or culture flasks) to confirm their functionality initially.
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