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The Untold Stories Behind the Iconic "AIR JORDAN 11" Worn During Michael Jordan's NBA Comeback

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Introduced in 1995, the "Air Jordan 11" was born from a concept of a simple design utilizing glossy materials. The combination of patent leather and mesh remains incredibly popular even after almost 30 years. We interviewed Katsushige Kamamoto, the representative of "Sneaker Shop SKIT," about the untold origin stories and history of the "Air Jordan 11," and its lasting charm.

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In 1993, during his prime after achieving a three-peat with the Chicago Bulls in the NBA, Michael Jordan lost his beloved father and lost the motivation to continue playing basketball. He retired from the NBA to pursue a career in baseball but made a surprise comeback to the NBA in 1995. The "Air Jordan 11" graced his feet in that comeback season.
It's commonly believed that the "Air Jordan 11" was created at Michael Jordan's request for "a formal design that would look good even with a tuxedo," but Kamamoto reveals the facts behind this story.
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