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The Entry to Fashion Begins with a Pink Jewelry Box – The Journey of "Sebon Star," Loved for Over 45 Years

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The sparkling pendants and chocolate. "Sebon Star" celebrated its 45th anniversary last year, a timeless dream for little girls.
Even now, it continues to be popular among young girls, and recently has attracted attention from adults as well. On social media, not only the nostalgia but also the design aspects are receiving praise. 
How has "Sebon Star" managed to capture the hearts of girls since its inception? This time, we spoke with Takahide Shimizu from the Toy Business Promotion Department at Kabaya Foods.
Takahide Shimizu

Kabaya Foods Corporation
Toy Business Promotion Department

Perfect Compatibility with Supermarkets! The Birth Story of Sebon Star

Sebon Star, a long-selling product from Kabaya Foods, was born in 1979.
Since the time girls become aware of their surroundings, the pink hexagonal pillar package has made its mark as a staple in the candy aisles of supermarkets, designed especially for girls. What was the journey that led to its creation?
"Kabaya Foods was established with caramel sweets as its main product.
"At that time, a trend of selling sweets with toys emerged, and we started including freebies with our 'Kabaya Caramel' (collect cards and receive children's books).
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