Professor, Graduate School of Media Design (KMD), Keio University
Project Manager, Cybernetic being Project, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
Born in Tokyo in 1983. Graduated from the Department of Mathematical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo in 2005. Completed doctoral course at the Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, University of Tokyo in 2010, receiving a Ph.D. in Information Science and Engineering. He presides over the KMD Embodied Media Project, focusing on the research and development and social implementation of embodied media, cybernetic avatars that transmit, extend, and create bodily experiences. He promotes the spread of haptic design through the Haptic Design Project and activities to create superhuman sports and co-creative sports. He also serves as a member of the Japan Science Council, Secretary-General of the Superhuman Sports Association, Technical Advisor for TELEXISTENCE inc., and a member of the Science Agora Secretariat.
His specialties are media theory, media technology history, and cultural sociology. He was born in Hiroshima Prefecture in 1979. He left the doctoral program after completing the course requirements at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo. His works include "テレビが見世物だったころ:初期テレビジョンの考古学" (Seikyusha, 2016), co-authored "新版 メディア論" (Foundation for the Promotion of the Open University of Japan, 2022), edited "メディア技術史:デジタル社会の系譜と行方[改訂版]" (Hokuju Shuppan, 2017), and co-edited "現代文化への社会学:90年代と「いま」を比較する" (Hokuju Shuppan, 2018), and "現代メディア・イベント論:パブリック・ビューイングからゲーム実況まで" (Keiso Shobo, 2017).