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Adding Value to Silkworms and Silk: The "Silk Industry Revolution" by the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) and the "Tomioka Silk" Branding Initiative by the Tomioka Silk Promotion Organization.

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In Japan, the production of silkworm cocoons and raw silk from sericulture has significantly decreased, but there is growing momentum for sericulture revival. The focus is on creating a new silkworm industry.
The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, is working to create new industries in sericulture through the development of "Fluorescent Silk" and "Ultra-fine Silk," as well as medical materials, using the latest technology. They are committed to the "Silk Industry Revolution," which aims to revitalize sericulture through technological innovation.
Additionally, the Tomioka Silk Promotion Organization is planning and developing products made from Tomioka-produced cocoons, branded as "Tomioka Silk," to appeal domestically and internationally and add value to the silk.
Therefore, the second feature of "Silkworm Rearing and Silk Reeling" is based on the current situation of the Tomioka Silk Mill and the still-operating Usui Silk Factory. We interviewed NARO, which is exploring the new possibilities of silkworms, and the Tomioka Silk Promotion Organization, which is focusing on enhancing the brand value of Tomioka Silk.

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