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Programmable Expressions with "Woven Glow / Woven Clouds": The Challenge of Unifying Functionality & Beauty in Textiles

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Project Foil, the first textile development by the ZOZO group, is a collaborative research project on the development of new textiles that combine functionality and beauty, in partnership with HOSOO Co., Ltd. and the Yasuaki Kakehi Laboratory at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo. As a part of this collaborative research, works combining traditional crafts, advanced materials, and interaction technology were produced. At the ongoing exhibit "Ambient Weaving─Environment and Textile," five works are on display, featuring color changes based on environmental temperature, luminescent fabrics woven with computer-controlled OLEDs, and hardening by UV irradiation.
Today, we introduce two complementary pieces incorporating EL and PDLC—"Woven Glow" and "Woven Clouds." Enjoy the documentary video of their concepts and production process.
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