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Eric Clapton Also Figures as an Owner of the Traditional Country Wear Brand CORDINGS

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Long cherished by British gentlemen, the country wear brand "CORDINGS."
The brand is characterized by traditional British styles such as tweed jackets paired with corduroy trousers. This time, we interviewed Yasutake Hasegawa from Mashimo & Co., Ltd. about classic CORDINGS items and summer fashion.
"Starting with the history of the brand, the first store opened at 231 Strand, London, in 1839. It then moved to 19 Piccadilly, and in 1902, it was incorporated as 'J.C.Cording & Co Limited.' Over 120 years later, it continues to operate at the same location.
"The founder, 'John Charles Cording,' is regarded as a pioneer of British country wear."
A photo of J.C.Cording & Co Limited, believed to be from around 1877
A photo of J.C.Cording & Co Limited, believed to be from around 1877
The current CORDINGS store has been in the same location and building since 1902
The current CORDINGS store has been in the same location and building since 1902

The 5 Iconic Items of British Country Wear

Let's delve deeper into country wear. According to CORDINGS, five iconic items have established the style.
"These iconic items are the 'Covert Coat,' the 'Mackintosh,' the 'Tweed Jacket,' the 'Corduroy and Moleskin Trousers,' and the 'Tattersall Shirt.'
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