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Unraveling the History of 'THE NORTH FACE' through High-Spec Model 'Mountain Down Jacket' & the Historically Rooted 'CAMP Sierra'

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When it comes to down jackets from 'THE NORTH FACE', there are many kinds, and several models exist that are called masterpieces. They range in usage, from those made for climbing 8,000-metre mountains to those that make winter daily life comfortable.
This time, Kazuhiro Iijima, MD of THE NORTH FACE Lifestyle Group at Goldwin Inc, recommended 'Mountain Down Jacket' for winter outdoor and town uses and shared how the 'CAMP Sierra', which gives an insight into the roots of THE NORTH FACE, came to be and evolved.

Understanding the Mountain Jacket Reveal Details About the Mountain Down Jacket

To unravel the Mountain Down Jacket, first, we must look back at the history of the Mountain Jacket. Let's hear how we transitioned from the Mountain Jacket to the Mountain Down Jacket.
"We consider the history of THE NORTH FACE from its foundation to the present as divided into three sections: the late 1960s to the 1980s, the late 1980s to the 2000s, and since then to the present. The late 1980s to the 2000s was a period when they began releasing wear suitable for 8,000-meter mountaineering and so-called alpine climbing, and technology developed greatly. The Mountain Jacket, the precursor to the Mountain Down Jacket, is a waterproof shell for mountain use that was made to cope with 8,000-meter mountaineering and was born in 1985.
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