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The Challenge of NEXT NEW WORLD: Reviving Japan's Silk Industry through In-house Sericulture and Bio-research

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Aiming to revive Japan's silk industry and create a sustainable society, NEXT NEW WORLD Co., Ltd. is on a mission to develop new silk products.
This venture company was founded by Kotaro Takashima in 2021. In 2022, they moved their headquarters to Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, and launched their operation there, a town once celebrated for its fabric industry with the slogan "Nishijin in the west, Kiryu in the east."
In addition, they are contracting new farmers who have started sericulture for cocoon production, with the aim of procuring raw materials in-house.
The person engaged in sericulture is Narusa Kawamura, the representative of UNIT KIRYU Co., Ltd., an urban development company active in Kiryu City. They have taken up the challenge of sericulture from being complete beginners, producing cocoons.
For the final part of our special feature on "Sericulture and Silk Production," we spoke with Takashima, who is involved in everything from sericulture to product research and development to create a new industry, and Kawamura, who has started his activities as a new farmer in sericulture, about their current status, challenges, and future plans.

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