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"Smart Sericulture System" Paves the Way for New Possibilities in Silk

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In Japan, the number of sericulture farms, which peaked at 2.21 million in 1929, has dwindled to just 163 in 2022. Furthermore, cocoon production, which recorded 400,000 tons in 1930, was only 51 tons in 2022, an historic low for both.
Currently, companies that have developed technology-driven systems for sericulture, along with newbie sericulture farmers, are gaining attention. These companies have not only introduced these systems but have also launched new silk products.
Hence, the third installment of our feature article "Sericulture and Silk Production" will focus on the efforts of the Shinryo Corporation, which developed the "Smart Sericulture System" that enables stable silkworm cultivation, and United Silk Co., Ltd., which utilizes it.

The Background of the "Smart Sericulture System" Development

The Shinryo Corporation is known for designing and constructing air conditioning and sanitation systems. However, why did they decide to engage in the sericulture business?

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