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"Kawaii" Has the Power to Change the World: Fashion Historian Masahito Inoue

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The concept of "kawaii" fashion encompasses countless varieties. In this "Feature: The Future of Kawaii," let's examine "kawaii" through the lens of fashion history and Japanese society.
This third installment features Masahito Inoue, a fashion historian. In his book "ファッションの哲学" (2019, Minerva Shobo), he analyzes fashion from the perspectives of culture, industry, and design, placing a strong emphasis on "kawaii."
What does "kawaii" mean in fashion? What values does it represent for the Japanese? We spoke to him to gain insight from a researcher’s perspective.
You can find the first installment here.
You can find the second installment here.
Masahito Inoue
Masahito Inoue

Associate Professor, Department of Human Environmental Sciences, Mukogawa Women's University
Graduated from the University of Tokyo and the Bunka Fashion College. Completed coursework at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology. His specialties include design history and the sociology of fashion. His published works include "洋裁文化と日本のファッション" (2017, Seikyusha) and "ファッションの哲学" (2019, Minerva Shobo).

The History of "Luxury" vs "Kawaii"

Isn't "kawaii" a very frequently used expression in fashion?
Indeed. I believe "kawaii" is one of the most important criteria for evaluating fashion. However, it can be a bit tricky when considered academically. We use "kawaii" in various everyday contexts. We refer to people, animals, and even objects as "kawaii." The meaning of "kawaii" changes depending on its usage and context.
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